- City : Colorado Springs
- Poster's age : 23
- Address : Pueblo
******* All American, Tan * Fit * Brunette, SEDUCTRESS ********* - 26
Posted : Tuesday, January 21, 2025 01:23 PM | 13 views
Located in *PUEBLO* about 25min south of Springs on I-25...and is easy to access from highway.. Come see why its worth trip to see me!!
My Discrete and Upscale Location caters to the Upscale Client.
**************FOR SERIOUS GENTLEMEN ONLY**********************
Full Body Rub Session $120. This Weeks Special is Four Hands for 200$!!!
If you can HANDLE IT!!
Please do not call and ask specific questions or location information. I will not answer such rude questions, I will give you directions once I have completed light screening with you. I am fun and love to pamper and please, However, NO FS so please donยt ask!!!
** MUTUAL Discretion and Security are a Priority.**
Receive 10% off your first session if you are a P411, Eccie or Eraps Member!
Call Jade at 719-557-18 NINE ZERO to book your session now!! Or email hotbodyrubs4you@gmail.com
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