Sun 05 Jan
KnOcKoUtS SpA★★$60 MoNDaYSpEciAL HoT&FuN; ALL AmERICaN StAff @ YouR SerViCe★SaTiStfAcTioN GuArAnTeED★ - 24
(North Jersey, Wayne/Totowa area)
Let OUR Hands Do ALL The Work & Relax Your Body! SIZZLING HOT AMERICAN, LATIN & EBONY Ladies!!!! - 24
(North Jersey, 973-785-8586 205 RT. 46 West TOTOWA, NJ)
██◆█◆█◆██ GRAND OPEN ! █████ Hottest Sexy █████ BEAUTIFUL ASIAN GIRLS ████...
(North Jersey, —◆— Totowa / 973-790-1003 —◆—)
●█▀█▄●█▀█▄ 💕💕💜💋 GRAND OPEN ●█▀█▄ ALL NEW HOT ASIAN ●█▀█▄💕💕💜...
(North Jersey, 💟 Totowa 💟 973-997-6061 💟)
hi my name mia - 25
Fantastic Fantasy 4 U! Amazing AMERICAN, Lovely LATINA, & Exotic EBONY Beauties! 1st Class Massages! - 24
(North Jersey, 205 RT. 46 WEST TOTOWA, NJ 07512)
Don't settle for Asian anymore!! Colombian attendants!! 973 2776665!! - 25
(North Jersey, Totowa,Rutherford,Nutley,Belleville)
By 6 beatifull Babes!!973 2776665! - 25
(North Jersey, Totowa,carslad,secaucus,Rutherford)
ALLuring AMERICAN, ExOTiC EBONY& LoVeLy LATINA LADIES! Let OUr Skilled Hands Soothe Your Body Today - 25
(North Jersey, 973-785-8586 RT. 46 WEST TOTOWA 07512)
♥♥$50 SpeCiaL TiL 4pM♥♥YoUnG~SeXy&SkiLLeD; ALL *AMERICAN* HoTTieS💋100% SaTisFacTioN✿LeTs PLaY♥ - 24
(North Jersey, Wayne/Totowa Area)
Sat 04 Jan
~~~~~Pamper yourself with our caring and gentle staff~~~~~
(Totowa - Route 80 exit 55a)
~KNOCKOUTS SPA~**SUNDAY LATE NIGHT SPECIAL til 10pm ** American Girls** Call Now!! 973-287-7870 - 25
(North Jersey, TOTOWA AREA)
Natalie & Brooke Exotic ALL American Beauties!! 973-287-7870 - 26
(North Jersey, RTE.46 East)
Body Heat Swedish Massage Center -100%BEAUTIFUL AMERICAN & Latina Masseuses! **973-256-0016** - 26
(Central Jersey, Jersey Shore, North Jersey, ROUTE 46 WEST TOTOWA, NJ 07512)
***Brazilian body Rub*** - 25
(North Jersey, North Jersey-Totowa)
100%BEAUTIFUL AMERICAN &SPANISH; Massage 973-785-8586 NEW Faces to Choose from!!! - 26
(RT. 46 West Wayne, NJ 07512)
★$60hr FriSkY FriDaY Till 12!! ★ CoMe PLaY✿ SeNsuAL MaSsAgeS✿ HoT SeXy&FuN; ALL AMERICAN GirLs✿ - 24
(North Jersey, Wayne/Totowa area)
🌺❤️🍒❤️🍓❤️🍎 Pleasure like you won't believe 🌺❤️🍒❤️🍓❤ The ultimate in bodywork ...
(Butler, Clifton, Wayne, Totowa, Linden, North Jersey)
WANTED!! Gentlemen who DeSiRe a 1st Class Massage from an *AMERICAN OR LATIN* BeAuTiFuL GiRL! - 24
(RT, 46 West Totowa, NJ (973-256-00700)
The Hottest AMERICAN AND LATINA Girls IN North Jersey! (Paradise Massage Center) 973-256-0070 - 24
(RT. 46 West Totowa, NJ 07512)
THE Ultimate AMERICAN Massage Experience! Call now 973-785-8586 - 26
(North Jersey, Totowa/ Wayne area)
~KNOCKOUTS SPA~**HEY GUYS ** SPECIAL til 4PM ** American Girls**Call Now!! 973-287-7870 - 26
MASSAGE-O-RAMA 2DaY OnlY!! Beautiful AMERICAN & LATINA MaSsEuSeS Fantastic Specials NOW! - 26
(North Jersey, Rt. 46 WEST TOTOWA/WAYNE NJ 973-785-8586)
Exotic White American, Spanish& Ebony Beauties (Body Heat Massage Center) 973-256-0070 - 25
(RT. 46 West Totowa, NJ 07512)
AMERICAN & LATINA CMT's.. Private Office Location! 973-785-8586 !!!!!! Relax with the BEST! - 25
(North Jersey, Rt 46 Wayne Area (973-785-8586))
Fri 03 Jan
****Personal Touch American, Carribean, & Latina. Hot massages by Beautiful Girls!! 973-256-0070 - 22
(RT.46 WEST TOTOWA 973-256-0070)
Bikiny time by 18 Colombians!! Real pictures!! 973 2776665!! - 25
(North Jersey, Totowa,secaucus,Rutherford,Montclair)
======== ◼ ======= BAMBOO SPA ======= ◼ ======== Bodywork for AMP Connoisseurs! ◼
(Totowa/Rt 46/Rt 80/Rt23)
Beautiful Masseuses! Vanilla & Chocolate ALL AMERICAN GIRLS 2day! (Double D-Lite Special $80!!) - 22
(North Jersey, RT.46 WEST TOTOWA 973-256-0070)
***Week End Special*** - 25
(North Jersey, North Jersey-Totowa)
STOP Right Here!! ALL AMERICAN♥♥ Rainy Nite Special★★ 973-287-7870 - 22
(North Jersey, Wayne/Totowa Area)
WE HAVE 1st Class Beautiful AMERICAN Massage therapists all the time to relax your stress away!... - 27
(North Jersey, 973-256-0070 RT. 46 WEST TOTOWA 07512)
~~~Unwind yourself with our caring and gentle staff~~~
(North Jersey)
You Work Hard All Day —— NOW It's TIME For YOU! — MORNING Special! — █ █ PURE HEALING SPA █ █ ——— ...
(North Jersey, █ █ Totowa)
***Week End Special*** - 25
(North Jersey, North Jersey-Totowa)
***Grand OPENING*** - 25
(North Jersey, North Jersey-Totowa)
Beat the Heat..with a Cool Massage from a Hot Masseuse! AMERICAN, LATIN, OR EBONY BEAUTIES!! - 24
(RT 46 WEST Totowa, NJ 973-256-0070)
(North Jersey, wayne/totowa area)
AMERICAN american AMERICAN & Latina LATINA Beautiful Masseuses 973-256-0016 SpECiALs!! - 28
(North Jersey, RT.46 WEST TOTOWA AREA 973-256-0016)
ALL AMERICAN ENGLISH SPEAKING Awesome Beautiful Masseuses Are Here!!! 10am to 10pm 7Days!!!!! - 24
(North Jersey, 973-256-0070 RT. 46 WEST TOTOWA 07512)
Thu 02 Jan
✱ Put the *BOUNCE* Back In Your Step! BAMBOO Spa Invigorates
( Route 46 Totowa 973-256-1566)
★💋OpEn LaTe~4 FuN& ReLaXaTioN★💋SeXy&SkiLLeD; *All AMERICAN* YoUnG HoTTieS★💋SaTisFacTioN GuAraNTeeD💋 - ...
(North Jersey, Wayne/Totowa Area)
~~~Pamper yourself with our caring 'N gentle staff~~~
(North Jersey)
MASSAGE-O-RAMA 2DaY OnlY!! Beautiful AMERICAN & LATINA MaSsEuSeS Super Specials NOW! - 26
(North Jersey, Rt. 46 WEST TOTOWA/WAYNE NJ 973-785-8586)
★💋HuMp DaY SpEciALs Til 11pM ★SeXY HoT &FUN;💋ALL AmErICaN Girlz★ SaTiSfActION& FuN GuArAnTeeD★ - 24
(North Jersey, Wayne/Totowa Area)
**** Body Relaxation **** - 25
(North Jersey, TOTOWA)
♦ TOTOWA THERAPY - Asian Massage that offers true Stress Relief! ♦ GRAND OPENING!!
(Totowa - Route 80 exit 55a - close to Rt 46 too!)
Beautiful AMERICAN LATINA & EBONY GIRLS!Exquisite Relaxing Massage by our Skilled Attendants! - 22
(RT.46 WEST TOTOWA 973-256-0070)
The Hottest AMERICAN AND LATINA Girls IN North Jersey! (Paradise Massage Center) 973-256-0070 - 24
(RT. 46 West Totowa, NJ 07512)
THE Ultimate AMERICAN Massage Experience! Call now 973-785-8586 - 26
(North Jersey, Totowa/ Wayne area)
Spankings, Foot Fetish, ETC..Beautiful White American, Ebony & Latina Dominatrix's 973-256-0016 - 24
(RT. 46 WEST TOTOWA, NJ 07512)